Senin, 23 November 2015

[Review] Corine De Farme Micellar Water

Hallo Girls

Cleansing make up is an important part right? But not every make up remover is suitable for everyone, I’ve tried some make up remover brand and so far it’s suitable on my skin. Then lately micellar water for cleansing become famous especially Bioderma Sensibio, it worked good on my skin and removed my make up with easily. I like Bioderma sensibio but the problem is the price a lil bit expensive for me hahaha so I just looking for another micellar with the worthy price, I saw some beauty bloggers already try Corine de farme micellar water. Corine de farme price is cheapest from Bioderma and it contains 500ml. So, I really curious then I bought corine de farme and how about the quality? Is it good on removing make up? What the differences with bioderma? Go read my full review ya…

Corine de farme is a skincare brand from France, in Indonesia this brand not famous yet and so far only available in some drugstore.
Corine de farme purity micellar water is composed of micelle that effectively removes make-up and easily cleanses the face, eyes and lips. Thanks to it gentle formula with peony flower extract with toning properties, this purity micellar water leaves skin feeling fresh and respects delicate dry or sensitive skin.

Purity micellar water terdiri dari micelle yang bermanfaat menghapus make up dan mudah membershkan wajah, mata dan bibir. Berkat formula yang lembut dan ekstrak bunga peon yang bersifat toning, kemurnian air misel ini membuat kulit terasa segar dan menjaga kehalusin kulit pada kulit yang kering atau sensitive.

Beauty advice: apply with cotton wool to face, eyes and lips. Precautions for use: suitable for contact lense wearers. Do not apply to irritated or damaged skin.

Saran pemakaian: basahi kapas dengan micellar water, usapkan pada wajah, mata dan bibir. 
Perhatian: cocok di gunakan oleh pengguna kontak lensa, jangan gunakan pada kulit luka atau iritasi.

L’homeo-beaute vegetale: an exclusive concept.
Corine de farme’s care range has been created with purified extracts of plants and flowers to bring their natural benefits to the skin.
Formulated with 97% ingredients of natural origin
Paraben free, colourant free
Hypoallergenic, formulated under pharmaceutical control, tested under dermatological and ophthalmologic control.

Aqua, poloxamer 184, glycerin, peg-40 Hydrogenated Castrol oil, Sodium benzoate, Parfum, Potttasium sorbate, citric acid, disodium edta, Paenia officinalis flower extract, sodium Hydroxide.
Packaging: it comes with a simple big bottle, the material from hard plastic then the color of the bottle just transparent. It has a pump for taking out the micellar water and the pump can locked, You just need to turn a lil bit and locked! as simple as that. So, after you take the micellar water out, you lock it for avoiding the micellar water pour. In front of the bottle there’s font about the claims and at the back side there’s some information about the product.

Texture, color and scent: the texture just like a mineral water and has no color because ya as you’ve read that colourant free, then it has peony flower scent hmmm it strong enough when you sniff the scent.
How about the performance and the result?
Watch on my video here:

What do you think? Is it good enough?

Affordable price because it contains 500 ml
It can remove make up with easily
not leaving greasy or oily on skin
Colorant free
Paraben free
Suitable on my skin
Refresh my skin
Suitable for contact lens wearers
I don’t like the peony scent
When swipe on my eyes area, I feel lil bit poignant

Conclusion: I like this micellar water because it can remove my make up with easily, I need to swipe more than one time to get clean result and make sure there’s no residue from my make-up then. Beside that I don’t like the peony scent and makes my eyes poignant when I swipe on eyes area, still this product is a good alternative way for make-up remover on budget with  good quality haha even though bioderma one is the best make up cleanser so far.

Price:  RP.190.000
Where to buy : Guardian

16 komentar :

  1. Reiny ini rasanya rd2 berminyak ky maybelline total clean express apa beneran ky bioderma doesn't leave nothing beneran ga kerasa apa2 di kulit? Aku kurang suka kl yg ky maybelline

  2. Oya aku lupa bilang...ini not greasy at all ! bener2 kaya bioderma cuma dia kalau swipe di bagian mata agak perih dan ada wangi bunga peony nya.

  3. Thanks infonya kak..
    Wah jadi pengen >.<

  4. aku lebi suka ini dari biodermaa.. lebi gede lg isinya hahaha :D

  5. Oooh ini beneran bagus toh. Gw ragu2 terus mau coba ini. Takut ga OK, secara botolnya gede banget gitu.
    Sama Bifesta OK mana ya? Tapi nyari Bifesta susah sih

  6. Inggit: hihihi ayo beli beli *lah kompor*

    Ce Rini: iyaaa ini gede haha byk isinya, aku gasuka nya ini karen agak perih pas bersiin mata sih.

    Kak Catra: aku justru tergoda karena botolnya gede bgt bisa awet and pas udh pake puas sih worth to buy kok. Bifesta belum coba...penasaran juga hhe

  7. Aku sering banget nyari produk ini di guarrian mana pun kok ga ketemu ketemu. Km beli di guardian mana?
    Kalo bifesta aku nemunya di the food hall, kalo di drugstore biasa ga ada. Ohiya, ini bikin kulit berasa kering ga? my experience with bifesta variant bright muka aku jadi berasa kering banget

  8. Hai Yozora...iya ini agak susah di guardian juga soalnya stok dikit kayanya. Waktu itu aja aku beli cuma 2biji lagi,aku nemu di Guardian GI. Oh gak bikin kering kok...bifesta di food hall iya ada di carefour juga ada. Aku blm coba bifesta sih...

  9. Yeay akhirnya di review. Well, ini super murah kalo di compare sama Bioderma hahaha. Boleh deh kalo Biodermaku udah abis langsung beli yang ini juga

  10. harus kak harusssss kamu wajib coba pokoknya hahhaa siapa tau suka sama wangi nya kalau aku sih ga bgitu suka hihi

  11. kalo lg males cuci muka, oles pake ini aja bole gak ya? btw , all skincare addict.. we can make a whatsapp group

  12. kalo lg males cuci muka, oles pake ini aja bole gak ya? btw , all skincare addict.. we can make a whatsapp group

  13. Aku sih biasanya kalau udh mager suka pake ini doang trs bobo haha kaya bioderma lg aja gitu

  14. Not fit to my skin at all. It burns right when I tap on.:(...padahal penginnya suka sih secara wangi bunga2

  15. Not fit to my skin at all. It burns right when I tap on.:(...padahal penginnya suka sih secara wangi bunga2

  16. Klo mau beli di Watson jg ada. Kalo di kotaku (Tangerang) di mall balekota ada. Aku pengen banget beli corine de farme micellar apalg lg diskon jd cuma 171k. Tp masalahnya mukaku lg iritasi (ga cocok dgn produk wardah) dan stelah baca review kakak, aku jd ragu belinya. beneran ga boleh diaplikasiin ke muka yg lg iritasi ya?


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