Selasa, 08 September 2015

[Review] Water Ex Laneige Sleeping Pack

Hi Girls !
I want to tell you that i want Laneige Sleeping mask been a long timeeeee ang luckily when the early September i will buy the product, i got this product from Laneige at Laneige K-Beauty week last Friday !. I am so excited and beyond happy...finally i got it in my hand hahaha i adore laneige products since so many review from beauty bloggers and the brand ambassador is my only fav Korean Actress Song Hye Kyo :D


Let me introduce you about this product through my own review , shall we?




Talk about the packaging, ah!  It's so cool and sophisticated with blue colour which is describe the cooling and calming sensation from the products right?. The material made by the hard and strong glass and plastic inside, it contains 80 ml. There is a separator between the cap and jar, as you know it will clean and more hygiene. Overall I really like the packaging.



There is spatula to take out the sleeping mask, spatula available for hygiene reason though than using your hand to take the product.

Colour and Scent:


At the fisrt time you can see the color is blue.


But when you take out the mask, the color is definitely white !. The texture of this mask like gel and watery, the scent so calming and fresh. Pretty sure i really like the scent so refreshing.

How to use:
1. Pada malam hari, lakukan pijat relaksasi wajah setelah memakai wajah dibersihkan (cleanser, skin refiner, dan emulsion).
2. Ambil produk secukupnya (±2.5cm diameter), aplikasikan pada ujung hidung, pipi, dahi, dan pipi. Rasakan aromanya selama 3 detik. Rilekskan badan dan pikiran Anda melalui Sleepscent™.
3. Ratakan ke seluruh wajah.
4. Tidurlah setelah produk meresap, tanpa membilasnya. (Bersihkah wajah pada keesokan harinya).   

* Gunakan 1 atau 2 kali per minggu.
* Tambahkan jumlah pemakaian jika kulit Anda sangat kering.
* Sebelum digunakan, buka tutup kemasan dan hirup aroma Water Sleeping Pack_EX selama 5 detik ketika Anda merasa stress.
* Aplikasikan di area leher untuk perawatan leher.



I always happy when i apply this sleeping pack, because it refreshing and moisturised my skin well. Even though my skin is oily but still my skin need the product can moisture without any greasy effect, After applying this product on my face i felt relaxed,calm and cooling effect then when i woke up i saw my face on the mirror my skin looks brighter,moist and smooth.

 I have been using this sleeping mask 4 times so far, and i really amazed with the result. I am using this sleeping mask twice in a week before going to sleep then. The result after 4 times using this sleeping mask, of course my skin condition better like moist,smooth, brighter and calming my redness.

Luxury Packaging
It contains 80 ml which means u can use for a long time
makes my skin condition better than before
The texture no leave greasy on my skin
Calming Scent


Conclusion: I am satisfied with the sleeping mask worked on my skin really good and makes my skin better condition than before, anyway I want to try another laneige product like their skin care range and the famous BB Cushion!  Woohooo can't wait to buy soon: p


Price:  310.000

Where to buy:  Laneige Counter

So, have u ever tried this sleeping mask? is there any good effect on your face?

Tell me on my comment box below..

Thank you for Reading

3 komentar :

  1. ini favorit akuu banget! bangun-bangun mukanya kayak cerah, kenyel, gitu deh ah x))

  2. Hans down one of my favorite sleeping mask ^^

    Jean Milka

  3. Arifinda: hehehe iya memang magic nih bikin seneng pas bangun pagi ya ! hihihi

    Jean: Horaaaaay toss Jean :D


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