Selasa, 30 Juni 2015

Vlogging Workshop with Garnier Indonesia at Padma Hotel Bandung

Hallo Girls !

Apakah kalian masih ingat review saya mengenai Garnier Light Speed disini, nah kami para beauty bloggers di undang oleh Garnier Team untuk mengikuti sebuah workshop. Pasti kalau di undang workshop gak asing lah ya, tapi kali ini workshopnya special lho ! Kenapa? Karena diadakan di Padma Hotel Bandung.
Senengnya bisa jalan-jalan singkat sama temen-temen beauty blogger dan mendapatkan ilmu baru, keep reading ya guys buat yang pengen tahu keseruannya Acara kami para beauty bloggers bersama Garnier.

Mbak Ina menghubungi kami untuk berkumpul di meeting point DBS Tower pada hari sabtu Jam 5 pagi, huft super pagi? Iya masih ngantuk banget emang. Saya berangkat kesana bareng Lintang dan Yuka, karena saya dan Lintang nginep di rumah Yuka biar bisa berangkat barengan hehe. Setibanya di DBS Tower, ternyata disana sudah ada beberapa teman blogger dan media yang datang. Kami pun di absen *berasa study tour jaman sekolah* lalu masuk bis, sekitar pukul 6 kami berangkat ke Bandung.

Absen dulu guys biar kaya anak study tour

Yuk masuk ke bis


Berangkat sepagi itu pasti kita belum pada sarapan kan? Nah mbak Ina dan Ci Jessica kasih kita sarapan ini buat di bis.nOya temen duduk ku pulang dan pergi ke Bandung itu Dewi, ini dedek gemes satu yang lucu dan seru kalau diajak ngobrol.
Sarapan Roti udah, minum udah dan ini masih muka bantal ada baik nya bobo dulu deh nunggu sampe Bandung.

Sesampai nya di Bandung sekitar pukul 09 lebih, kami di sambut oleh staff Padma hotel dan menunggu dulu di lobby.

Lihat view di lobby nya cantik banget ya? Seneng banget dapet hotel yang bisa kasih view seindah ini *Maafin Norak*

Gak lama nunggu di lobby, kita sarapan (lagi) hehehe dan ini sarapan yang aku pilih.




Hallo Dewi dan Reiput

Sekitar pukul 11, Acara workshop pun di mulai.

Foto dulu sebelum workshop di mulai

Lihat ruangan untuk workshop nya, cozy rite?

Pertama-tama ada Mas Pandu sebagai Senior Brand Manager dari Garnier Indonesia yang memberikan speech.

Pembicara workshop nya adalah Mbak Kila, Karena tema workshop nya adalah Vlogging. Workshop nya berjalan seru banget, Workshop ini di bagi sesi yaitu :

1. Prepare

2. Filming

3. Editing

Btw Setelah mbak Kila menjelaskan materi mengenai prepare, kita break buat lunch dulu karena jam menunjukan sekitar pukul 13.00. Honestly, kita masih kenyang banget secara pas sarapan udah banyak banget makan tapi...kalau lunch ini di skip sayang juga hahaha karena makanannya bikin tempting semua.

Selesai Lunch, Workshop pun di lanjutkan ke sesi berikutnya yaitu Filming. Nah karena materinya filming maka kita dianjurkan untuk keluar ruangan selama 15 menit dan membuat video masing-masing.

Setelah membuat video, sebelum workshop sesi terakhir mas Pandu menjelaskan dahulu sejarah garnier, masuk nya Garnier ke Indonesia, Brand Ambassador Garnier Indonesia dan variant garnier yang ada di Indonesia lalu dibuka sesi tanya jawab yang atraktif sekali dari temen-temen beauty blogger mengenai garnier.

Tibalah pada sesi terakhir workshop yaitu editing, disini nih kita semua di uji kreatif dalam mengedit sebuah video yang ternyata gampang-gampang susah. Oya saya gak bawa charger laptop :( karena ada di dalam backpack saya jadi pas editing saya liatin punya orang lain saja huhu. sebelum acara workshop di tutup mbak Kila meminta kita untuk upload video yang tadi kita buat itu di share ke youtube.

Yeay !, Waktu nya mandi dan rapih-rapih barang

Kamar nya juga nyaman banget.

Saya dapet room mate sama reiput, hihi she is a nice person btw i like to talk with her. Ketika kami masuk ke kamar, disana ada surprise woohooo ! Garnier knows girl so well kalau cewek suka banget dikasih surprise.

Gala Dinner Time


Main Course 

and the lovely dessert choco lava cake with vanilla ice cream such a guilty pleasure !.

Setelah Gala Dinner, kami kembali ke kamar untuk beristirahat daaaaaan temen-temen beauty blogger semuanya mampir kamarku dulu buat seseruan hahaha it was fun !. Sehabis itu saya dan Reiput bersih-bersih dan ganti baju, eits bukan mau bobo bukaaaan tapi kita mau edit video buat di upload ke youtube hehehe saya selesei sekitar jam 1 malam terus bobo.

Sekitar jam 6 telepon berdering di samping saya, omg masih ngantuk banget dan harus siap-siap buat yoga then saya bilang ke mas-mas nya iya-iya aja terus lanjut tidur lagi bentar. Pas lagi enak-enaknya tidur mbak Ina telepon jam7 an hahaha saya sama Reiput langsung loncat kaget dan bergegas buat Yoga.

Yoga  time, Seneng banget bisa yoga bareng meskipun mata masih ngantuk aaaa tapi ketagihan deh sama yoga seru !

Selesai Yoga kita gak langsung mandi hehehe tapi malah sarapan dulu, abis itu ganti baju buat berenang dan Jacuzzi. Sebenernya saya sih ga berenang cuma ikut seseruan aja foto ma maen air hehehe terus terakhir kita sauna bareng deh sambil cekikikan di ruang sauna sama steam bentar.

Pukul 12:00 kami berkumpul di lobby untuk check out huhuhu masih betah :(.

and time to go home

but wait, kita lunch dulu di miss bee yang tempatnya gak jauh dari Hotel Padma. Well, such a lovely place ! disana terbagi beberapa ruangan dan kami lunch di lantai 2. saya memilih lunch roasted chicken, setelah lunch saya dan teman-teman jalan-jalan main jungkat-jungkit like kids lho.

Pengumuman Best Video dan ini lah ke-3 pemenangnya.

Bye Bandung, Kita seneng banget dapet kesempatan untuk mengikuti acara yang diadakan oleh Garnier Indonesia. Semoga kedepannya Garnier terus mengadakan acara-acara seperti ini.

Hore ! Dapet Piagam Workshop dari Garnier Indonesia

See you in Airport teman-teman ahaha semoga next time kita diajak beauty trip keluar negeri. Amin.

Thank you Garnier Indonesia,

See u next time

bye bye now

[REVIEW & EOTD] Revlon Colorstay Skinny Liquid Eyeliner Black Out and Revlon Colorstay Amethyst Eyeliner for [REVLON “Colorful Affair” Challenge]

Hallo Girls !

Today i would like to introduce you that Revlon has new products, guess what? it's new variant eyeliner !. woohoo as you know that eyeliner is really really important to make our eyes looks more sexy and pretty right? Eyeliner is one of my favorite and important make up for me.

Anyway, Couple weeks ago i got the newest eyeliner from Revlon Indonesia, because i want to join their challenge with B blog. if you want to join the callenge you can visit here .

I got liquid eyeliner in black and pencil eyeliner in purple shade, can't wait to try them on my eyes. 

Let me make a quick review about these eyeliners.


Revlon Colorstay Pencil and Revlon Colorstay Skinny Liquid eyeliner.

I would like to inform you the liquid liner first.


Information of the Product
Name: Revlon Colorstay Skinny Liquid Eyeliner
Shade: Black Out
Netto: 2,5 ml

The packaging comes with Skinny body like another liquid eyeliner, it simple and travel friendly because no need more space in your make up pouch. the design is really simple with black body and white letter. The material of the packaging made from plastic, it's strong enough i thought and if you want to open this eyeliner, you just need to spin around it's so easy.


Oh my god ! i really like the applicator so much , it really thin and sharp. so, you can draw a line with perfectly and draw as you want like thick or thin line. the applicator sharp enough to draw and it doesn't hurt when u apply the eyeliner, it soft and smooth. The stick in the right size not too long or short, it will make you comfort when applying this eyeliner.

Swatch and Texture:

You can see the picture above, i tried to make R letter. the black color so pigmented and has glossy effect. Fyi, this eyeliner is waterproof when i poured the water on my hand it stayed and smudge proof even you rub with hard. The texture is liquid but not runny is perfect for your liquid eyeliner. There is no strange fragrance.

Performance and Result:

It really great performance, because the black color so bold and glossy. Then it glides smoothly on my eyelid, the applicator did great job. The important things is water proof and smudge proof, you don't need to retouch as long as the eyeliner stays !.

The Second Review is about the pencil liner



Information of the Product
Name: Revlon Colorstay Eyeliner
Shade: Amethyst
Netto: 0,28g

The packaging nothing special laaah, it pencil shape then. it really simple packaging and make up pouch friendly since this is pencil rite? no need big space lol. it comes with black color for the body and purple color for the cap. the cap make you easy to search the shade, because it exactly same color with the eyeliner inside. The material mad from hard plastic and this pencil eyeliner is reactable, you just need to turn around from the bottom and no need sharpener.


The texture is really creamy, you can draw the line with the easiest way !. when you draw it, there is no hurt because it glides so smoothly but lilbit tricky if you want make a straight line.


The purple color is pigmented enough for 1 swatch, it's pretty purple makes your glam and sexy. there is no glitter though, it's suitable for you who doesn't like glitter and into matte color.
Performance and Result

This pencil eyeliner showed the beautiful color on my waterline, i really like the result. But the performance it smudges and water proof if you do not rub with hardly and just pouring the water.

Easy to get
The color availabe in many shades
The color so pretty
The formula is good
Smudge proof for liquid eyeliner


The eyeliner pencil is smudge

The pict below is my very first tutorial for you, i am sorry if there still many mistakes. i still learning and practicing to make good tutorial. I hope this look inspired you who want to try black and purple eyeliner to get sexy eyes.

1. Draw your eyebrow, you can draw the eyebrow with the favorite shape like archy or straight eyebrow. I am using Fanbo eyebrow pencil in brown here.

2. Put the eye primer on your eyelid area, I am using aubeau foundation since my eye primer is running out and not repurchase yet.

3.Apply the Brown color all over your eyelid, i am using LA girl nude brick eyeshdadow palette.

4. Apply the darker brown on your eyelid corner,i am using LA girl nude brick eyeshdadow palette.

5. Draw the line with an eyeliner, i am using black liquid liner Revlon Color stay.

6. Draw the waterline with purple eyeliner, i am using purple pencil eyeliner Revlon color stay. oops ! don't forget to put your fake lashes too.

7. Apply the black eyeshadow above the purple color, i am using LA girl nude brick eyeshdadow palette.

8. Apply the white eyeshadow on your inner corner, i am using LA girl nude brick eyeshdadow palette.

9. And Done !.

Here's the Result


FOTD for Revlon colorful affair "challenge"



I chose this look, because it's so me !. Yeah i really fall in love with the mix black and purple eyeliner, it makes me my eyes look sexy and bright. it really simple but sophisticated, this look describe me as a cheerful and talkative person.
So, What do you think? am i suitable with this look?

FYI, Revlon not only has 2 variant color of this eyeliner but also there's so many choice of color like gold, blue and etc. Ah ! i want to collect them all.
If you want to know more about the products, you can visit, follow and get the information here.

berpartisipasi dalam "REVLON Colorful Affair Challenge" [2]

Thank you for reading

