Jumat, 29 Agustus 2014

Cerita melawan blackhead dan whitehead Part 1

Jika banyak orang yg mengeluhkan masalah jerawat dan bekas merah2 nya,lain dengan saya yg mengeluhkan oliy skin dan cepet banget komedoan ya ampun ! Dari semenjak saya kuliah sampe sekarang udah lulus pun tetep itu masalahnya. Jelas sebagai perempuan saya ga diem aja dong pasti nya cari solusi buat ngatasin masalah kulit yg ganggu penampilan ini,di post ini saya akan ceritakan dari awal mula saya gonta ganti produk dan akhirnya paham masalah kulit sendiri.

1. Ikutin yg orang lain pake Tanpa Baca-baca Review 

Iya jadi sebelum saya mutusin ke klinik skincare,saya suka liat apa yg org lain pake dan mudah tergiur. Hih ngikut2 gitulah ceritanya tanpa cari review dan lain- lain pokonya asal beli dan pake aja tanpa mikir di saya bakal cocok atau engga dgn kondisi kulit dan masalah kulit saya. For example : ada temen sekelas yg dulu nya byk jerawat merah se muka terus beberapa bulan kemudian dia jadi bersih mukanya,nah saya kepo in dia pake apa, MISALNYA dia jawab pake facial foam Pond's warna ijo. Nah tanpa cari review bla bla bla saya langsung simpulin ah saya juga pake itu ah siapa tau ilang jerawatnya, just in case saya bukan jerawatan merah2 padahal whitehead yg numpuk beruntusan putih2 :( karena tau nya jerawat aja yg kaya gitu tuh huftttt *toyor self*. Nah singkat cerita saya beli lah facial foam dll nya yg temen saya pake daaaaan ya emang ga cocok si whitehead tetep aja bertengger di pipi,jidat dan dagu dengan betahnya. Wah pokonya saya byk bgt deh gonta ganti produk tanpa menganalisa kondisi kulit sendiri, jangan ditiru ya teman-teman ke awaman saya di masa lampau hahaha trial error emang biasa tapi kan trial error harusnya cari tau kondisi kulit dulu bukan asal the power of "orang lain juga cocok pake itu" ah !. Yeah i was doing stupid things for my skin :(.

2. Klinik skincare

I taught Ah ! Cape ngikutin apa yg org lain pake terus dan selalu ga cocok. I decided to go to skincare clinic, karena yang paling deket kosan dan harga krim nya lumayan reasonable buat kantong mahasiswi saat itu saya pilih nata**a skincare. Sekitar 1 taun 3 bulan saya pake krim dan facial rutin disitu, eh tapi kok kalau ga facial sebulan lebih whitehead masi ttep banyak sih ih blackhead jugaaaa?padahal udh rutin facial sama pake krim?kulit saya kinclong kalau 1-2minggu facial doang abis itu ya dtg keroyokan lagi whiteheads and blackheads nya. Ini sampai kapan kaya gini terus? Udahlah berenti aja apa bgt kan ke klinik skincare tapi hasilnya gitu2 aja dan kalau konsul ke dokternya selalu jawabannya "gapapa ini mah tinggal facial aja" ya iya kali saya facial mulu ishhhh. Tepatnya akhir Februari saya stop krim-krim dan treatment disana.

3. Break out berhenti skincare

Dengan sotoy nya saya stop krim2 itu langsung semua,padahal katanya sih harusnya bertahap ya stop nya. seminggu abis stop itu muncul bruntusan kecil gajelas semuka muka ewwww parah malu bgt deh kalau ktemu org :( dan kadang gatel juga muka saya, cuma bisa ngeluh dan nyesel karena masalah kulit saya bukan nya membaik ini malah jauh lebih parah.

4.Mulai blogwalking

Yap ! Pas ngalamin breakout itu saya blogwalking sana sini buat ngatasin problem kulit saya dan baca baca female daily threads, ternyata bukan saya aja yg ngalamin breakout gara2 stop krim dokter/skincare,banyak sekali juga perempuan2 diluar sana yg ngalamin kaya saya. Benar ada nya ya Kalau membaca itu jendela dunia hehehehe saya jadi banyak tau dan ga sotoy sotoy banget lagi poko nya 'do a research first then make an assumption' tiap hari bgt deh itu baca-baca artikel buat ngatasin kulit saking udah desperate nya dan males kalau harus ke dokter kulit dan ke skincare (lagi).

5.paham masalah kulit dan usaha mengatasi nya

Sempet desperate bgt ngadepin masalah kulit yg tak kunjung usai dan kesel sama diri sendiri, bangun semangat lagi buat ngatasin masalah buat ngilangin whiteheads dan Blackheads ini. Saya coba minum ashtin force selama seminggu yg katanya buat detox kulit, terus pake Vitacid dan Sunblock Parasol, terus rutin juga maskeran dan exfoliation. Saya pake vitacid cukup lama sekitar 6 bulanan dari yg 0,025% sampe yg 0,1%, purging nya parah bgt waktu itu beruntusan yg kecil itu kemudian jadi merah2 ih disgusting pokonya aaaah pengen operasi plastik aja rasanya but throughly day by day kondisi kulit saya semakin membaik even skrg blum mulus tapi setidaknya saya sudah paham kondisi kulit saya sendiri dan terus mencari tau untuk mengatasinya. Yang paling penting adalah semangat terus buat rawat kulit kita dan jgn takut trial error buat dapetin produk yg cocok sama kulit kamu !

Fyuuuuh panjang bgt ya? Hehehehe sekian ya berbagi cerita whiteheads and blackheads nya :D Tetap Semangat buat dapetin flawless,healthy and glowing skin !
*Note : Nanti saya mau bikin post Part 2 nya buat produk skincare dan masker rutin apa aja yg saya pake, plus foto nya. Tapi foto pas saya lagi purging ga ada karena foto2nya di laptop saya yg hilang Hiksss

See u on my next post
Thank you
Jumat, 15 Agustus 2014

[Short Review] Maybelline Color Show Nail Polish Kiss me pink 003 Shade

Hallo Girls ! this is for the first time i write a review about nail polish, am not a fan of nail polish cause my nails are so tiny L so, i just lazy to create nails art like the others girl out there but sometimes i feel envy when i looked my friends creating cute nail arts and collecting nail polishes with so many beautiful colors. Now, i try to collecting nail polish to learn how to make my nails look cute with nail polish :D
 I’ve read some beauty bloggers review about Maybelline Color Show Nail Polish, so i went to Maybelline Counter about Couple days ago and i chose kiss me pink shade. I dunno why i bought this color hahaha am not realized i just grabbed it and go to cashier to paid “-_-.

Keep Reading ya !

Let’s Review this nail polish


the packaging is cute and simple, made from glass and the cap made by plastic. Above the cap there is an emboss about the shade of this nail polish, on the bottle of the nail polish there are the information about manufactured the product, Ingredients and etc.


The applicator made by soft brush and ya suitable for paint your nails not too short or not too long 

the texture of this nail polish is liquid and lil bit watery i guess, i like the texture btw.

see? the color so pretty haha pink fuchsia and i love it. *pardon my short nails* huhuuhhu :'(

Affordable Price Just 30k
cute packaging
it has pretty color
Dry fast

Nope, So far

I like this nail polish so much, Based on the texture, the color and the price exactly. i am curious with another shade of maybelline color show nail polish, Cause so many pretty shades.

See you !

Thank you 


Selasa, 05 Agustus 2014

(Review) Maybelline Color show Lipstick Plum Perfect 403

Hallo ! I am back with another review :D
I wanna make my own review about my new baby LOL... yes my new favourite lipstick from Maybelline that i bought last month :D Maybelline is one of my fav drug store brand since maybelline has a good quality and affordable price exactly !.
I just curious with Maybelline Color Show series because so many Beauty Bloggers made reviews about Color Show, hmmm i decided to buy lipstick and nail polish from this series. I chose Plum Perfect Shade Cause i’ve never tried the color plum before J.
Let’s Review the product !


as you can see the picture above yeah the lipstick doesn’t come with a box, it just covered by plastic with the letters Maybelline color show, their claims, ingredients and expired date the product.
Packaging of this lipstick just simply  Black Color and lil bit purple on the middle, it packaged by plastic nothing special about the packaging just so-so.


The bottom of this lipstick has a code and shade infromation, yes the code is 403 and the shade is plum perfect. Hmmm are you sure PLUM PERFECT?HA? PERFECT?...
Just keep reading to know this shade perfect or no :P


When i opened the cap of the lipstick, am so happy that the color is plum like am expected before :D and the scent of this lipticsk hmm kinda berry smell, Ah... i like the color in the first sight Lol PLUM PLUM PLUM.


The texture is creamy and blendable with my lips, i am not found any difficult when i applied this lipstick. So, yes this lipstick just easy to apply and it doesn’t makes my lips dry.


Before applying on my lips, i’ve swatched on my arm first. The color is lovely huh?
BUT let’s see how the lipstick works on my lip?

As u can see the lipstick when i applied on my lip J sweet isn’t it? HAHA , eh wait where are you plum? It looks like sweet pink huft...i just expected this lipstick has a dark red :/
Plus :
Affordable price (Rp.30.000)
Sweet color
Suit for daily
It doesn’t makes my lip dry
Leave stain

Staying Hour only 3-4hours (without eat and drink)
Sheer color so you need 2-3 swipes to get plum color
NOT really Plum :P and so far from “perfect” like the name LOL
Conclusion:Over all  I like this lipstick for daily use and i like the scent very much haha it makes my mood booster after i am applying this lipstick :D, Maybe i’ll use this lipstick for daily not for special occasion since the color is not pop out and sheer finish L so, i need to re-apply (again). i just can’t wait to try  another lipstick shades from the color show series.

Thank you