

Minggu, 21 Juni 2015

[Review] Aubeau Liquid Matte Foundation

Hallo !
I just want to make a review about my new foundie :D
Have you ever heard aubeau brand?hmmm this is a local brand. I've tried they serum for reduce acne spot and how about the result?yeay ! My acnet spot gettin better.So, i am curious with their foundation beside they have affordable price, what am i waiting for? Buy it !


I bought this foundation 1 week ago, aubeau has two variants foundie which are cream and liquid. Cause my skin type is oily of course i chose the liquid foundie :D,Let's Jump to the review.
Packaging :
Honestly, this foundation has a box but i've threw away the box hehe i forgot where the box is.
Ah ! I am dissapointed with this foundie packaging :( is not impressed me huh ! The color is blue and the letter is black, this packaging made from plastic and the cap just so-so.
I don't like the packaging lol.


Texture: based on their claims yes the texture is liquid but lil bit watery sometimes you must be careful to take out this foundie from the tube.

Swatch: i applied on my back hand and as u can see,the foundie is blendable and suit on my skin.



Conclusion: I like this foundation for special occasion since this foundation has medium coverage and it doesn't make my skin break out. i am proud that our local brand has foundation with affordable price and good in quality.
Medium coverage
Easy to blend
Oil Control is so-so
Difficult to find
Price: IDR 43.000 in Jopankar Cosmetics store.
Repurchase: No, I would buy another Brand :D

   FOTD using Aubeau Liquid foundation

2 komentar :

  1. aku cuma pernah coba puriffying powdernya aubeau hehe tapi lumayan oke sih menurut aku produk2nya
    btw, boleh follow back blog aku? ^^


  2. Dewi: emang lumayan ok sih aubeau ini untik kelas produk lokal :))iya aku follback ya, thx udah mampir :*


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