Kamis, 22 Mei 2014

[Review] Baroness Mask sheet Pomegranate

Hallo Girls...

I have been IMA  lolol cause of eemmm ah so classic reason :p forgive my laziness to take photos and write, but this morning i am in a good mood to make a post :).

Everyone knows about treatment with mask has many benefits for our precious face, i love using mask since mask has many benefits and of course  make my face become better after using mask. on February I joined Kak Titasya Giveaway and i won two mask sheets, those are : Baroness Arbutin Mask and Pomegranate Mask. I used arbutin mask first but I forgot to take photos. so, I will review about Pomegranate Mask one.

Let's jump to the review !

Claims: This skin-matching mask sheet helps your skin to be elastic and look younger by giving effect moisturizing and forming a film on skin you feel silky and fresh.

Product Details 
Brand: Baroness
Netto: 21g/ mask sheet
Made in : Korea

Packaging: it's mainstream packaging haha nothing special  like another mask sheet packaging, Designed with Pomegranate picture and Claims about this mask.On the Back side, there is explanation about this mask with English Language and Hangul? *cmiiw and there are some pictures about the steps how to use this mask.


Texture: The texture of mask sheet like wet tissue, Transparent and  thin but lil bit sticky. It contains with essence extra pomegranate and the essence on this mask is enough not too much.

Scent : Tell about the scent is so-so not too sting or weird scent just normal like another essence scent and I like it.

Let's Apply a mask for a better skin :D Lol

How to use mask sheet:
1. Wash your face.
2. Apply the mask around your face and wait for 15-20 minutes.
3. Before you Remove the mask, make sure massage your face first.
4. Remove and Done !.

 I like the scent
The shape of this mask fit on my face
The essence is enough
Make my face fresh and smooth with instantly 

Not permanent effect
Not available in Indonesia
 I don't know whereto buy, maybe on olshop?

Conclusion: Overall I like this mask :D make my face healthy and fresh with a simple treatment. 

see you on my next post !

Thank You


Minggu, 04 Mei 2014

{review] SilkyGirl Lipstick No.18 Appealing Moisture Rich

Hallo Everyone ! sudah bulan mei lagi ya teman-teman waw waktu gak kerasa banget ya perasaan baru kemaren saya rayain tahun baru, lho kok sekarang sudah mau tengah tahun :D. anywaaaay saya mau review lipstick baru yg saya beli akhir april hehehe Lipstick apasih? ini lho Silkygirl.

Kenalan Yuk ! 


Untuk packaging, hmmmm biasa aja kurang menarik gak lucu-lucu kaya brand korea atau se elegan brand yg dari western-western sana hehehe. it's quite simple dengan warna silver dan ber tuliskan silky girl di bagian tengahnya . Oya, Lipstick ini tidak di bungkus dengan box, hanya di balut plastik yg bertuliskan ingredients dan keterangan-keterangan lain.

saya lagi cari lipstick yg warna peach sama yg warna bibir gitchuuu deh, pas cek ceki cek saya jatuh hati pada shade ini 18 Appealling.


Entahlah aku suka banget aja shade ini haha warnanya natural gitu jatohnya pas aku apply di bibir :D 
bisa dilihat ya teman-teman swatch nya di tangan saya, warna nya coklat agak oren (((oren))) gitu ya.


Tekstur nya sesuai yg tertera di bagian bawah lipstick ada keterangan "moisture rich"  lipstick ini sebetulnya matte lho tapi pas pertama di aplikasi kan lipstick ini lembab banget sedikit glossy dan  lama-lama berubah jadi matte ! 

cheap ! (only 29k)
gak bikin bibir kering
warna nya bagus :D
mudah di dapat


gak tahan lama (dipakai makan minum bubar jalan)

FOTD with Silkygirl Lipstick :D
Time to Selfie *LOL

see you on my next post

Thank You

